VFBD Auto Controller

The invention was carried out with an objective of automating the dryer to facilitate minimal operator intervention, consistency of drying and Energy efficiency.


Redesign Criteria

The Key drivers for the redesign of the dryer are as given below:

  1. Derive Energy Savings both on Electricity as well as Fuel Front
  2. Delivering better and consistent quality output
  3. Reduce dependencies on operators and human experience
  4. Provide better visibility of the operational parameters and machine health to the operators and management
  5. Develop Line integration capability

In order to achieve the above the following key analysis was conducted to analyse the key parameters and their dependencies which affect the operational efficiency of the machine.

  1. Energy Savings.
  2. Fuel Saving.
  3. Enhanced Motor Life.
  4. Automatic Temperature Control.
  5. Clog Free Charging of Tea Leafs.
  6. Consistent Quality.
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