Vibro Screen Sorter

Vibro Sorter works on the most simple mechanism having a super class specially designed Electric motor well fixed and encased in a steel chamber, upper decks are just placed & clamped. The Screen on the Screen Rings is securely and firmly fitted with the help of a unique adhesive. Bolt-less Rings can also be used to prevent the loss of bloom.

Funnel (optional): To increase the residence time and facilitate better sorting, additions I tunnels can be used to ensure the discharge of material onto each screen’s center. This gives the tea at each level sufficient time to move towards the periphery, thus a flowing better sorting before getting discharged through the tangential outlet created on the screen deck.

Vibro Screen also known as Gryo Screen Machine is the most efficient vibrating screen for wet and dry screening.
The top weight on motor shaft rotates in a plane close to the center of the mass of assembly. Rotation of the top eccentric Weights creates vibration in the horizontal plane which causes material to move across the screen cloth to periphery. Increasing the top eccentric mass increases the horizontal throw causing oversize material to discharge at a faster rate.
The bottom eccentric weight rotates below the center of Vibrating mass creating tilt on the screen giving vibration in vertical & tangential planes. Increasing the vertical component of motion promotes turn over of material on the screen surface helping maximum quantity of undersize material to pass through the screen. The effective vertical motion helps in minimizing blinding of screen by near size particles.
The tangential component motion is controlled by the angle of lead given bottom weights with relation to top weight.
Variation in lead angle controls the spiral pattern of material travel over the screen cloth. Speed & Flow pattern of material travel over the screen cloth can be set by the operator for maximum through put & screening efficiency for any screenable product…. Wet or Dry…. Coarse or Fine…. Heavy or Light…. Hot Or Cold. Typed material travel patterns generated at various lead angles are shown below.
The material is fed en the center of top screen. The undersize material passes rapidly through the screen during its travel to the periphery. The over size material gets continuously discharged through a tangential outlet. Gyroscreens are equipped to handle up to five different screens one on the top other with feed trays in between to give six precise sized fraction in single screening operation.
Special manufacture with seven screens is also available for grading.

Salient Features of Vibro Screen sorter

  • Low Power requirement
  • Low operating cost
  • No transmitted vibration
  • High capacity, minimum space
  • Minimum screen blinding
  • Longer Screen Life
  • Grades sorted efficiently into perfect sizes
  • Re-sorting not necessary
  • Ensures the continuous flow of production
  • Easily accessible opening for cleaning and inspection for all the decks without dismantling
  • Screening decks and frames are interchangeable
  • No loss of bloom
  • Nearly early maintenance-free


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